On Fear, Faith, Doubt, Prayer, Courage

“Courage is fear that has said its prayer.”1


“Prayer is an attitude of the heart, [tuning] to hope, like a tuning fork offers perfect pitch.”2

Remember from the seeds of Doubt blooms the flowering Faith,

From Fear the path leads to Love.

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1Dorothy Bernard
2Judith Orloff

The Humility of Honest Doubt – Doubting Thomas

I am a Doubting Thomas.  Are you?

But [Thomas] said to [the other disciples], “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my fingers into the nailmarks…,I will not believe.” John 20:25

Doubting Thomas, is a pretty common term used for “someone who will refuse to believe something without direct, physical, personal evidence” per wikipedia. “Doubting Thomas” is often used in a disparaging manner, but if we think about it Thomas the disciple was honest about his doubt.  To doubt simply means to want to understand better.  So Thomas verbalized his doubt and questioned, until he obtained an answer.  St. Thomas grew in his faith.

The point is not of the answer – or that Thomas became a saint – but that Thomas worked through his doubts, that he was honest.  That is the only way we can all grown in what we do and learn, not just religious faith.

How many of us have doubts that we keep hidden in the recesses of our minds, our souls, our hearts? Doubts that remain there because we feel shamed/guilty/unsure, not wanting to look silly/inferior…to those who don’t seem to have any?

Doubting Thomas points the way.  I am a Doubting Thomas.  Are you?